
发表时间:2020年03月13    浏览:2387
Zhang P, Zhang L, Zhu L, Chen F, Zhou S, Tian T, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Li X, Zhang C, Xu L, Huang F. The change tendency of PI3K/Akt pathway after spinal cord injury. Am J Transl Res 2015,15;7(11):2223-3222. 
Li L, Chen E, Yang C, Zhu J, Jayaraman P, De Pons J, Kaczorowski CC, Jacob HJ, Greene AS, Hodges MR, Cowley AW Jr, Liang M, Xu H*, Liu P*, Lu Y*. Improved rat genome gene prediction by integration of ESTs with RNA-Seq information. Bioinformatics. 2015 Jan 1;31(1):25-32. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu608..
Chu C, Fang Z, Hua X, Yang Y, Chen E, Cowley AW Jr, Liang M, Liu P*, Lu Y*. deGPS is a powerful tool for detecting differential expression in RNA-sequencing studies. BMC Genomics. 2015;16(1):455. 
Li L, Chen E, Yang C, Zhu J, Jayaraman P, De Pons J, Kaczorowski CC, Jacob HJ, Greene AS, Hodges MR, Cowley AW Jr, Liang M, Xu H*, Liu P*, Lu Y*. Improved rat genome gene prediction by integration of ESTs with RNA-Seq information. Bioinformatics. 2015 Jan 1;31(1):25-32. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu608..
1. Savas Tasoglu, H.Cumhur Tekin, Fatih Inci, Stephanie Knowlton, Shuqi Wang, Feng Wang-Johanning, Gary Johanning, Dimitrios Colevas, Utkan Demirci*, Advances in Nanotechnology and Microfluidics for Human Papillomavirus Diagnostics, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2015.103(2):161-178. (IF:10.694)
2. Xiayu Xu, Altug Akay, Huilin Wei, Shuqi Wang, Belinda Pingguan-Murphy, Bjorn-Erik Erlandsson, XiuJun Li, WonGu Lee, Jie Hu, Lin Wang, Feng Xu*, Advances in Smartphone-Based Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2015.103(2): 236-247. (IF:10.694)
3. Fatih Inci, Chiara Filippini, Murat Baday, Mehmet Ozgun Ozen, Semih Calamak, Naside Gozde Durmus, Shuqi Wang, Emily Hanhauserh, Kristen S. Hobbsh, Franceline Juillardi, Ping Ping Kuangj, Michael L. Vetterk, Margot Caroccik, Hidemi S. Yamamotol, Yuko Takagik, Umit Hakan Yildiza, Demir Akinm,n, Duane R. Wesemann,Amit Singhal, Priscilla L. Yang, Max L. Nibert, Raina N. Fichorova, Daryl T.-Y. Lau, Timothy J. Henrich, Kenneth M. Kaye, Steven C. Schachter, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, Lars M. Steinmetz, Sanjiv S. Gambhir,Ronald W. Davis, Utkan Demirci*, Multitarget, quantitative nanoplasmonic electrical field-enhanced resonating device (NE2RD) for diagnostics, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2015. 112(32): E4354-E4363. (IF:9.58)
4. Jane Ru Choi, Ruihua Tang, Shuqi Wang, Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas, Belinda Pingguan-Murphy*, Feng Xu*, Paper-based sample-to-answer molecular diagnostic platform for point-of-care diagnostics, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015.12(74):427-439.  (IF:9.518)
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