Peng Shi Laboratory
Peng Shi
Researcher, Doctoral Supervisor
Research Interests:
Regulation of neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in
normotensive and hypertensive states
Peng Shi

Selected Publications

1. Guingab, J.D., Kobeissy, F.H., Ratliff, M., Shi, P, Zhang, Z., Wang, K.K.W. Neurogenomic and neuroproteomic approaches to studying neural injury in "essentials of spinal cord injury."(Eds.. Fehlings,. Vaccaro,. Boakye,. Rossignol,. Ditunno, and. Burns), 2010. Thieme Publishers. 

1. Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Shah K, Koronyo Y, Bernstein E, Giani JF, Janjulia T, Black KL, Shi P, Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Fuchs S, Shen XZ, Bernstein KE. ACE overexpression in myelonibicytic cells: effect of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Curr Hypertension Rep. 2014 Jul; 16(7):444. PMID: 24792094. 

2. Bernstein KE, Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Giani JF, Shah K, Bernstein E, Janjulia T, Koronyo Y, Shi P, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Fuchs S, Shen XZ. Angiotensin converting enzyme over expression in myelocytes enhances immune response. Biological Chemistry, 2014, March, PMID: 24633750. 

3. Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Shen XZ, Bernstein EA, Janjulia T, Taylor B, Giani JF, Blackwell W-LB, Shah KH, Taylor BL, Shi P, Fuchs S, Bernstein KE. Rediscovering ACE: Novel insights into the many roles of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. Mol. Medicine (Berlin), 2013 Oct; 91(10): 1143-1154. PMID: 23686164. 

4. de Kloet AD, Krause EG, Shi P, Zubcevic J, Raizada MK and Sumners C. Neuroimmune communication in hypertension and obesity: A new therapeutic angle? Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2013 Feb; 138(8):428-40. PMID: 23458610. 

5.Shi P, Raizada MK, Sumners C. Brain cytokines as neuromodulators in cardiovascular control.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2010 Feb; 37(2):e52-7. PMID: 19566837. 

1. Li Y, Shen XZ, Li L, Zhao TV, Bernstein KE, Johnson AK, Lyden P, Fang J and Shi P. Brain transforming growth factor bresists hypertension via regulating microglial activation. Stroke. 2017 Sep;48(9):2557-2564.PMID: 28698257. 

2. Liu M, Shi P and Sumners C. Direct anti-inflammatory effects of angiotensin-(1-7) on microglia. J Neurochem. 2016 Jan; 136(1):163-71. PMID: 26448556. 

3. Shah KH, Shi P*, Giani JF, Janjulia T, Bernstein EA, Li Y, Zhao T, Harrison DG, Bernstein KE and Shen XZ. Myeloid suppressor cells accumulate and regulate blood pressure in hypertension. Circ. Res. 2015, August; 117(10):858-69. (Editorial: Circ Res. 2015; 117(10):830-1) PMID: 26294657.* co-first author. 

4. Shen XZ, Li Y, Li L, Shah KH, Bernstein KE, Lyden P and Shi P. Microglia participate in neurogenic regulation of hypertension. Hypertension. 2015, April; 66(2):309-16. (Editorial: Hypertension. 2015; 66(2):256-6) PMID: 26056339. 

5. , Grobe JL, Desland FA, Zhou G, Shen XZ, Shan Z, Liu M, Raizada MK and Sumners C. Direct pro-inflammtory effects of prorenin on microglia. PlosOne. 2014, Oct; 10;9(10):e92937. doi: 10.1371 PMID: 25302502.Shi P 

6. Shan Z, Zubcevic J, Shi P, Jun JY, Dong Y, Murca TM, Lamont GJ, Cuadra A, Yuan W, Qi Y, Li Q, Paton JF, Katovich MJ, Sumners C and Raizada MK. Chronic knockdown of the nucleus of the solitary tract AT1 receptors increases blood inflammatory-endothelial progenitor cell ratio and exacerbates hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension. 2013, June; 61(6):1328-33. PMID: 23547238. 

7. Jiang N, Shi P, Desland F, Kitchen-Pareja MC and Sumners C. Interleukin-10 inhibits angiotensin II-induced decreases in neuronal potassium current. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2013, April; 304(8):C801-7. PMID: 23426971. 

8. . PMID: 23319541.Zubcevic J, Jun JY, Lamont G, Murça TM, Shi P, Yuan W, Lin F, Carvajal JM, Li Q, Sumners C, Raizada MK, Shan Z. Nucleus of the solitary tract (Pro)renin receptor-mediated antihypertensive effect involved nuclear factor-κB-cytokine signaling in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension. 2013, March; 61(3):622-7 

9. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the paraventricular nucleus plays a major role in the sympathoexcitatory response to salt. Hypertension. 2010 Nov;56(5):956-63. PMID: 20937969.Colombari E, Colombari DS, Li H, Shi P, Dong Y, Jiang N, Raizada MK, Sumners C, Murphy D, Paton JF. 

10. Halogenated aromatic amino acid 3,5-dibromo-D: -tyrosine produces beneficial effects in experimental stroke and seizures. Amino Acids. 2011 Apr;40(4):1151-8. PMID: 20839013.Cao W, Glushakov A, Shah HP, Mecca AP, Sumners C, Shi P, Seubert CN, Martynyuk AE. 

11. Involvement of the brain (pro)renin receptor in cardiovascular homeostasis. Circ Res. 2010 Oct;107(7):934-8. PMID: 20689062. *co-first author.Shan Z*, Shi P*, Cuadra AE, Dong Y, Lamont GJ, Li Q, Seth DM, Navar LG, Katovich MJ, Sumners C, Raizada MK. 

12. P, Diez-Freire C, Jun JY, Qi Y, Katovich MJ, Li Q, Sriramula S, Francis J, Sumners C, Raizada MK. Brain microglial cytokines in neurogenic hypertension. Hypertension. 2010 Aug;56(2):297-303. PMID: 20547972.Shi 

13. Efficacy of 3,5-dibromo-L-phenylalanine in rat models of stroke, seizures and sensorimotor gating deficit. Br J Pharmacol. 2009 Dec;158(8):2005-13. PMID:20050189.Cao W, Shah HP, Glushakov AV, Mecca AP, Shi P, Sumners C, Seubert CN, Martynyuk AE. 

14. Phosphate-activated glutaminase-containing neurons in the rat paraventricular nucleus express angiotensin type 1 receptors. Hypertension. 2009 Oct;54(4):845-51. PMID: 19667250.Jiang N, Shi P, Li H, Lu S, Braseth L, Cuadra AE, Raizada MK, Sumners C. 

15. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus neurons decreases blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. FASEB J. 2008 Sep;22(9):3175-85. PMID: 18535252.Li H, Gao Y, Qi Y, Katovich MJ, Jiang N, Braseth LN, Scheuer DA, Shi P, Sumners C. 

16. P, Martinez MA, Calderon AS, Chen Q, Cunningham JT, Toney GM. Intra-carotid hyperosmotic stimulation increases Fos staining in forebrain organum vasculosum laminae terminalis neurones that project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. J Physiol. 2008 Nov 1;586(Pt 21):5231-45. PMID: 18755745.Shi 

17. P, Stocker SD, Toney GM. Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis contributes to increased sympathetic nerve activity induced by central hyperosmolality. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 Dec; 293(6):R2279-89. PMID: 17898124.Shi 

Institute of Translational Medicine, Zhejiang University
Address: 268 Kaixuan Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Tel: 0571-86971812 / 0571-88981576

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